Agenfor International is a non-profit research centre that strives to strengthen security through a better protection of human rights. We work to harmonise the needs of states and citizens in our focus fields of security governance and counterterrorism. With a breadth of experience in working with minorities, prisoners, and other vulnerable groups, extensive multidisciplinary training and strong international partnerships, Agenfor addresses the needs of front-line practitioners from public and private sectors, in Europe and around the world.
Within the project, Agenfor International is working with the Italian Ministry of Justice and a team of experts to gain a deeper understanding of their perspectives surrounding immigration to Europe from along the Central Mediterranean Route (WP2: Demand Analysis & Forecasting for Border control Units and Policy makers). Agenfor is contributing to defining the ethical, legal, and societal guidelines for the project and is committed to ensuring that these are respected throughout the duration of project (WP3: Legal, Societal & Ethical Framing). Agenfor’s main role is to carry out field studies with partners UNIVIE and FREUNDE in WP8 (Analysis & Field Studies for EU Perception and Media Impact) and contribute to the threat analysis in WP9 (Threat Analysis & Actionable Insights) with partner UM. For this work, the organisation will use its research expertise to communicate with relevant organizations in countries of origin and transit, focusing additionally on the specialist component of hybrid threat analysis.
You can find out more about Agenfor International by accessing their website.