The University of Vienna’s Department of Communication is among the leading media and communication departments worldwide. Its interdisciplinary research unit, the Computational Communication Science Lab (CCL), was established in 2016, aims to advance the use of computerized tools and algorithms for collecting, processing, analyzing, and visualizing large-scale, complex data. Through various projects dealing with the analysis of media content and its effects, media and migration research, as well as understanding citizens’ political attitudes, perceptions, and behavior in European democracies, the CCL is well connected to the fields of Communication Science, Political Science, and Social Anthropology.
In the MIRROR project University of Vienna leads WP8 (Analysis & Field Studies for EU Perception and Media Impact). Their main role is to lead the fieldwork for understanding irregular migrants’ perceptions of the European Union and to explore the role of the mobile media devices for shaping such perceptions as well as migration decisions. This work is based on a combination of literature research, expert interviews, as well as semi-structured interviews with irregular migrants at countries of origin, transit and destination. Furthermore, University of Vienna advises the project’s technical partners when it comes to communication theory as well as methods, and it is involved in creating a link between irregular migrants’ perceptions and media routines and the technology development within MIRROR.
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