The aim of the project is to develop an integrated platform, a set of tools, as well as a systematic methodology for the comprehensive inter-media analysis of the perception of Europe, the identification of discrepancies between perception of and reality in Europe, and the creation of awareness for the impact of potential misconceptions.
As a results, the MIRROR platform will create a deeper understanding of the role of perception in migration.
The multidisciplinary consortium consists of fourteen partners from seven countries from research and industry, as well as practitioners. The consortium will cooperate to gain a better understanding of how Europe is perceived abroad and the mechanisms involved in the process. The MIRROR Project was launched in June 2019 and has a time period of three years.
It is important to together explore possible synergies, exchange knowledge and best research practices with other EU-funded projects and initiatives funded under the same programme/topic: SU-BES01-2018-2019-2020 – Human factors, and social, societal, and organizational aspects of border and external security.
Collaborations can help to enhance the sustainability and impact of the project and add value to dissemination and communication activities.