Policy recommendations in the field of migration for the European Parliament


The following migration-related policy recommendations are proposed for the European Parliament:

  • The LIBE Committee (Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) should engage rapporteurs and introduce regular standing sessions to examine the impact of MAAP and CIPMAA on migrants.
  • LIBE should seek to liaise with the European Data Protection Board in an adequately co-ordinated response to balance the security requirements inherent to MAAP with adequate protection of the right to privacy and data protection.
  • Participate actively in the management of the CIPPMAA project by appointing one member to the CIPPMAA Steering Committee.

To implement the above recommendations the following guidelines are provided:

  • The EU Parliament’s LIBE Committee should be key in ensuring Parliamentary oversight of the quality and effectiveness of the implementation of the MAAP legislative package adopted in 2024.It should therefore appoint BOTH external expert as well as MEP rapporteurs on the implementation of MAAP. These rapporteurs should drive the process of LIBE publicly debating the efficacy and wisdom of the implementation of MAAP-related measures in regular sessions at least once every three months, in addition to the Annual review where this is already required statutorily.
  • The LIBE Committee has already in the past statutorily provided for a form of interoperability between the GDPR and the EU AI Act. At least one of its rapporteurs should be tasked to closely liaise with the EDPS and EDPB together with the EU AI Office in order to ensure that all aspects of fundamental human rights are being respected in the implementation and amendment of CIPPMAA-related plans.
  • When monitoring progress on the MAAP project implementation, the LIBE Committee should be sensitive to realities on the ground and take these into account when discussing and approving any required amendments/revisions of the CIPPMAA detailed project plans especially but not exclusively the extension and if needs be, radical revision of objectives and timescales.
  • Ownership for the outcomes of legislative measures as well as further contributions to proper oversight functions should be further reinforced by LIBE appointing one of the permanent members of the CIPPMAA Steering Committee which member should also be responsible for liaising with and reporting to the LIBE Committee as and when necessary or appropriate.

MIRROR has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program under grant agreement No 832921.

CRiTERIA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program under grant agreement No 101021866.

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