Policy recommendations in the field of migration for the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)


The following migration-related policy recommendations are proposed for EUAA:

  • Contribute to the development of a protocol for the use of OSINT tools tailored to the analysis of asylum seekers and refugees, including mixed migration.
  • Foster a knowledge ecosystem involving key actors in support of refugees and asylum seekers
  • Participate actively in the management of the CIPPMAA project by appointing one member to the CIPPMAA Steering Committee

To implement the above recommendations the following guidelines are provided:

  • The correct and successful implementation of CIPPMAA is perforce dependent on constant dialogue with and input from those EU Agencies and other institutional stakeholders with direct experience of realities on the ground. Hence entities such as EUAA amongst others should actively assist in the development of any and all protocols for the use of OSINT tools tailored to the analysis of asylum seekers and refugees, including mixed migration.
  • The existing ecosystem of key actors supporting refugees and asylum seekers is often a loosely knit patchwork of organisations across EU member states. While 3-4 dozen of these entities occasionally come together to advocate openly to the EU, the success of such actors is also dependant on the information and knowledge derive amongst others from EU institutional stakeholders which are here being encouraged to “foster the knowledge ecosystem” which translates into them having well thought-out and effective communication strategies.
  • Ownership for the outcomes of their implementation of legislative measure, communication strategies, protocols for the deployment of OSINT and AI tools, as well as further contributions to proper oversight functions should be further reinforced by EUAA appointing one of the permanent members of the CIPPMAA Steering Committee which member should also be responsible for liaising with and reporting to EUAA top-management as and when necessary or appropriate.

MIRROR has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program under grant agreement No 832921.

CRiTERIA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program under grant agreement No 101021866.

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