Policy recommendations in the field of migration for European border security agencies


The following migration-related policy recommendations are proposed for European border security agencies:

  • Participate in CIPPMAA Project management mechanisms.
  • Commence a recruitment drive for IT personnel.
  • Train their permanent staff in the design and undertaking of Fundamental Rights Impact Assessments.

To implement the above recommendations the following guidelines are provided:

  • If each and every border agency were to appoint a member to CIPPMAA’s Project Steering Committee that would suddenly inflate the Steering Committee’s numbers by at least 27 members.
  • A potential alternative could be the creation of a Border Agency Working Group (BOWG) where the representatives of border agencies can meet to discuss all operational matters and especially IT-related ones pertinent to CIPPMAA prior to their being reviewed and/or adopted by the Steering Committee. The (rotating) chair of the Border Agency Working Group) would represent Border Agency interests in an ex officio basis within the CIPPMAA Steering Committee.
  • In multiple shapes and forms CIPPMAA imposes significant resource requirements on border agencies, many of which are seriously short of IT staff. Hence, recruitment of ICT staff experienced in carrying out the tasks indicated in CIPPMAA should proceed as a matter of priority.
  • The legal requirement to prepare, monitor and review FRIA’s implies that all Border Agencies should identify and/or recruit the permanent staff required to be trained to carry out and periodically review FRIAs.

MIRROR has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program under grant agreement No 832921.

CRiTERIA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program under grant agreement No 101021866.

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