Human Security Filter – Correlations

Correlations Indicators Human Security Filter

Indicators can be positively correlated (e.g. age is directly correlated with the chances that individual’s mental health is affected), while some are negatively correlated (e.g. age is negatively correlated with food availability).

The Set of Indicators used to Build the Composite Indexes Positive (+) / Negative (-) correlations
Individual/Embodied factors
1. Age + mental health problems (minors and elderly are more likely to experience mental health issues due to abuse/separation of families)
+ physical health problems (minors and elderly are more likely to experience physical health issues lack of healthcare/ lack of adequate food/shelter and other resources)
+ exposure to violence (minors and elderly are likely to experience a high exposure to violence due to abuse, lack of adequate facilities)
- availability of food (minors and elderly are less likely to have access to adequate food)
- availability of water (minors and elderly are less likely to have access to adequate water resources)
- availability of shelter (minors and elderly are less likely to have access to adequate shelter)
- knowledge of legal rights (minors are less likely to possess a good knowledge of their rights)
+ policies at separating families (minors are likely to be directly impacted by policies aimed at separating families)
- availability of material resources (minors and elderly are less likely to have the necessary material resources)
2. Gender and sexual orientation + mental health problems (women, LGBTQI+ individuals are more likely to suffer from mental health issues due to marginalization, abuse, lack of a community)
+ physical health problems (women, LGBTQI+ individuals are more likely to suffer from physical health issues due to difficulty of journey, exposure to difference types of violence, such as rape, FGM, repeated pregnancies/abortion, lack of adequate sanitation and basic toiletries – e.g., menstruation products)
+ exposure to violence (women, LGBTQI+ individuals are more likely to be exploited for sex and/or labour)
- availability of food (women, LGBTQI+ individuals are less likely to have access to adequate food due to discrimination, lack of material resources)
- availability of water (women, LGBTQI+ individuals are less likely to have access to adequate water due to discrimination, lack of material resources)
- availability of shelter (minors and elderly are less likely to have access to adequate shelter due to discrimination, lack of material resources)
- availability of sanitation (women, LGBTQI+ individuals are less likely to have access to adequate sanitation facilities, including basic toiletries due to discrimination, lack of material resources, fear of violence)
- availability of material resources (women, LGBTQI+ individuals are less likely to have access to adequate food due to discrimination, lack of material resources)
- language knowledge (women, are less likely to be able to express themselves due to cultural factors)
- negative attitudes towards health practitioners (women, LGBTQI+ individuals are more likely to have negative attitudes towards health practitioners, e.g., suspicion, fear of interaction)
3. Racial identity + exposure to violence (Black migrants are more likely to be physically abused and exploited)
- availability of food (Black migrants are less likely to have access to adequate food due to discrimination)
- availability of water (Black migrants are less likely to have access to adequate water due to discrimination)
- availability of shelter (Black migrants are less likely to have access to adequate water due to discrimination)
- availability of sanitation (Black migrants are less likely to have access to adequate water due to discrimination)
- availability of material resources (Black migrants are less likely to have access to adequate water due to discrimination)
4. Ethnic identity - attitudes towards authorities (people belonging to certain cultures are less likely to hold positive views of authorities due to experiences of violence, persecution, corruption in country of origin)
+ attitudes towards NGOs/international organisations (people belonging to certain cultures are less likely to hold positive views of authorities due to experiences of violence, persecution, corruption in country of origin)
+ exposure to violence (people belonging to certain cultures/ethnic groups are more likely to be the target of hate crimes)
- availability of food (people belonging to certain cultures/ethnic groups are more likely to lack adequate food due to discrimination)
- availability of water (people belonging to certain cultures/ethnic groups are more likely to lack adequate water due to discrimination)
- availability of shelter (people belonging to certain cultures/ethnic groups are more likely to lack adequate shelter due to discrimination)
- availability of sanitation (people belonging to certain cultures/ethnic groups are more likely to lack adequate sanitation facilities due to discrimination)
- availability of material resources (people belonging to certain cultures/ethnic groups are more likely to lack adequate material resources due to discrimination)
- attitudes towards health practitioners (people belonging to certain cultures/ethnic groups are more likely to have negative attitudes towards health practitioners due to different expectations/views on treatment, medicine, causes of illnesses)
5. Citizenship status (statelessness) + exposure to imprisonment (people who are stateless are more likely to be imprisoned)
Situational factors
6. Mental health Not applicable
7. Physical Health + mental health problems (there are multiple associations between mental health and chronic physical conditions that significantly impact people's quality of life, demands on health care and other publicly funded services, and generate consequences to society)
8. Negative attitudes towards health practitioners + physical health problems (distrust in treatment, medical practitioners, medical facilities will prevent people from accessing those services/getting good results)
+ mental health problems (distrust in treatment, medical practitioners, medical facilities will prevent people from accessing those services/getting good results)
9. Negative attitudes towards authorities - availability of shelter (distrust in/negative attitudes towards in authorities can prevent migrants from accessing shelter, such as open centres)
- availability of food (distrust in/negative attitudes towards in authorities can prevent migrants from applying/using food distribution points)
- availability of water (distrust in/negative attitudes towards in authorities can prevent migrants from getting access to safe water sources, for example while on the move)
- availability of sanitation (distrust in/negative attitudes towards in authorities can prevent migrants from getting access to sanitation facilities, such as in refugee camps)
- availability of material resources (distrust in authorities can prevent migrants from accessing much needed material resources, e.g., clothing, other goods)
10. Attitudes towards NGOs/international organisations - availability of food (distrust in NGOs/international organisations can prevent migrants from accessing much needed humanitarian assistance, such as food)
- availability of water (distrust in NGOs/international organisations can prevent migrants from accessing much needed humanitarian assistance, such as water)
- availability of material resources (distrust in NGOs/international organisations can prevent migrants from accessing much needed material resources, e.g., clothing & other goods)
- availability of shelter (distrust in/negative attitudes towards in authorities can prevent migrants from accessing shelters managed by such organisations)
- availability of sanitation (distrust in/negative attitudes towards NGOs/international organisations can prevent migrants from getting access to sanitation facilities, such as in refugee camps)
11. Exposure to torture + negative attitudes towards authorities (people exposed to torture, especially tortured perpetuated by state authorities would have extreme negative views)
+ physical health problems(torture has long-term physical health consequences)
+ mental health problems (torture has long-term mental health consequences)
12. Exposure to violence (FGM, rape, kidnapping, beatings, theft) + negative attitude towards authorities (people who are exposed to violence tend to have a negative attitude towards)
+ physical health problems (exposure to violence has long-term physical health consequences)
+ mental health problems (exposure to violence has long-term mental health consequences)
13. Availability of food Not applicable
14.Availability of water Not applicable
15.Availability of sanitation facilities Not applicable
16.Availability of shelter + exposure to extreme weather/environmental conditions
17. Exposure to imprisonment + physical health problems (exposure to imprisonment puts migrants at risk for high risk of infectious diseases as well as physical injuries among others)
+ mental health (exposure to imprisonment has led to higher levels of depression, anxiety and PTSD among migrants)
- availability of food (poor nutrition in some detention centres led to malnourishment)
- availability of water (lack of water in detention centres has led to migrants suffering from dehydration)
- availability of sanitation (lack of appropriate sanitation facilities and/or risk in using common sanitation facilities)
+ exposure to violence (detention centres and prisons are associated with high incidence of violence against migrants ranging from beatings, whippings to torture)
+ exposure to torture (detention centres in several countries are associated with torture acts against migrants, including sexualized torture)
18.Ability to identify oneself + exposure to imprisonment (the absence of any formal identification, be it a birth certificate, passport or drivers’ licence can leave individuals vulnerable to imprisonment and once in detention centres it can negatively impact their release)
- availability of food (a lot of aid distribution system require the identification of migrants, so in the absence of good identification they may not be eligible)
- citizenship status (unregistered children are especially at risk of becoming stateless, as without birth certificates they lack a key means of proving their identity)
19. Knowledge of legal rights + exposure to imprisonment (not knowing their rights migrants can be vulnerable to abusive imprisonment or prolonged detention periods)
- physical health problems (migrants who know their rights, including in the field of health are more likely to access health services and thus be in better physical health)
20. Knowledge of location Not applicable
21.Availability of material resources (communication devices, money) + availability of food (access to financial resources means a higher likelihood that migrants can acquire the necessary food)
+ availability of water (access to financial resources means a higher likelihood that migrants can acquire the necessary water)
+ availability of shelter (access to financial resources means a higher likelihood that migrants can acquire the necessary shelter)
+ availability of sanitation facilities (access to financial resources means a higher likelihood that migrants can grant them access to sanitary facilities)
- exposure to violence (access to financial resources means a lower likelihood that they will employ highly risky means as part of their irregular migration journey)
22. Ability to express oneself + knowledge of location (migrants have a higher likelihood of being able to quickly gather accurate information about their location)
+ knowledge of legal rights (higher likelihood that migrants can acquire and share information on their legal rights)
- physical health problems (migrants who can communicate easily have a higher likelihood of accessing health services)
- mental health problems (migrants who can communicate easily have a higher likelihood of accessing health services)
23. Exposure to extreme weather/environmental conditions - availability of food (access to food in extreme environmental conditions, e.g., while crossing the sea/dessert is limited or completely absent)
- availability of water (access to water in extreme environmental conditions, e.g., while crossing the sea/dessert is limited or completely absent)
+ mental health problems (exposure to extreme weather/environmental conditions can lead to anxiety, PTSD)
+ physical health problems (prolonged exposure to extreme conditions can have long-term physical effects, including by leading to disabilities)
- ability to identify oneself (identity documents are often lost when migrants are exposed to extreme weather conditions, e.g., crossing rough seas in a dinghy/crossing the dessert on foot)
Structural factors
24. Experience of pushbacks + physical health problems (pushbacks are often violent so migrants can suffer physical injuries)
+ mental health problems (chain push-backs can lead to anxiety, depression)
- knowledge of location (migrants who are victims of chain push-backs can become lost as they are transported against their will to other countries/regions)
+ exposure to violence (migrants who are victims of chain pushbacks are often subject to significant physical and emotional violence)
+ negative attitudes towards authorities (there is a high likelihood that migrants who are victims of pushbacks would have very negative attitudes towards authorities)
25. Attitudes towards that group in country of origin + mental health problems (connection with community is an important dimension for migrants’ mental health, therefore individuals belonging to persecuted/marginalized group would suffer from high levels of loneliness leading to depression)
- citizenship status (individuals belonging to minority groups may be stripped of their citizenship status by country of origin after departure thus ending stateless)
26. Asylum system not functional in transit countries + mental health problems (lack of asylum/protection mechanism in transit can have significant negative impact on migrants’ mental health due to lack of access to care, feelings of hopelessness, high levels of anxiety and stress)
+ physical health problems (lack of asylum/protection mechanism in transit can have significant negative impact on migrants’ physical health due to lack of access to care/forced to continue migration path)
+ exposure to violence (lack of asylum/protection mechanism in transit means migrants may be force to continue their journey against their will, opting for dangerous routes/means)
- citizenship status (this can lead to migrants’ finding themselves stateless due to lack of registration, identification etc.)
+ experience of chain pushbacks (lack of protection/asylum mechanisms in transit makes migrants more vulnerable to chain pushbacks)
27.Policies aimed at separating families + mental health problems (this has been proven to have long term negative impact on mental health, especially in the case of minors separated from their families)
- ability to identify oneself (members of families which are separated have a higher likelihood of being unable to identify themselves as often identity documents are carried by only one member, often the man)
28. Policies requiring detention on arrivals + mental health problems (this has been proven to have long term negative impact on mental health, leading to depression, anxiety and PTSD)
+ negative attitudes towards authorities (migrants who are put in detention on arrival have a higher likelihood of developing negative sentiments towards authorities)
29.Availability of cultural mediation/translation/interpretation - negative attitudes towards health practitioners (there is evidence that availability of cultural mediation and/or interprets facilitates migrants’ access to healthcare)
- physical health problems (cultural mediation can facilitate facilitates migrants’ access to healthcare)
+ knowledge of legal rights (migrants can acquire easier information relevant to their rights)
+ ability to express oneself (migrants can express themselves)

MIRROR has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program under grant agreement No 832921.

CRiTERIA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program under grant agreement No 101021866.

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