Using open source information to better understand and respond to migration from a security and humanitarian perspective

The section explores ways in which open-source information – and specifically social media – can be used to improve the understanding and response of security practitioners in the field of migration and to improve threat analysis in the context of cross-border crimes, in general. Topics include advantages and disadvantages of using information from social media for law-enforcement/intelligence-related purposes as well as an in-depth exploration of the type of insights that social media content can provide to security practitioners. The main emphasis is on the analytical component (e.g. integrating open-source information into intelligence analysis products addressing migration), though the challenges of data collection are also briefly addressed (e.g. building a directory of sources, source verification). In addition to identifying practices and useful resources this section also discusses different applications of using open source information for migration-related analysis.

MIRROR has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program under grant agreement No 832921.

CRiTERIA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program under grant agreement No 101021866.

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